Üniversitelerde 173 ülkeden 128 bin öğrenci okuyor
YÖK Başkanı Prof. Dr. Yekta Saraç: Bugün itibariyle 173 farklı ülkeden 128 bini aşkın uluslararası öğrencimiz var. Bu sayıyı daha da çok artırmak ve dünyadaki gençlerle entegre olmak isteriz
Health insurance is provided for foreign students
Students who come to Turkey to study at higher education institutions, now have health assurance. Students get medical treatment at state hospitals at no charge, and at private hospitals by paying the difference fee
The education system in Turkey is based on examinations
In Turkey, compulsory education takes 12 years. The education system consists of 3 separate stages, 4 years each. Students start school at the age of 5, discretionally. The compulsory age of starting school is 69 months
How can you apply to Turkish universities?
Approximately 70,000 students are currently studying at 185 universities in Turkey. If you want to study at a university in Turkey, you should apply directly to due institution
Where can foreign people residing in Turkey provide education for their children?
Foreign people residing in Turkey can register their children at either state or private schools. The other alternative is the international schools